Rabu, 25 November 2009

kta9ihN onLine^^

Waduhh, gga krza stLh TO 1 clcai qu mLy nglkuin kbysaan qu, yakni onLine dmN pun saat qu boring.... Eaa, bz lwt HP, comp jg bz tuhh, ky ckRg niy.. Low lg onLine qu g pNh buka sitUs2 yg b'baU poRNo and aLL aboUt it. Plig2 q buka facebook, blog ama mLy twitteran jg *meski ne situs, susah, gmpgan facebook!*. Selain itdu kdg2 qu jg googling nyri informzi pntig ama donlot lagu2 n video asigk..... wahhh, pokokna msLh onLine ud jd hObi laa, wLwpun ortU ud mLy lebai cL niy.... Mrka parno ngLeat da cewe yg d cuLik dg prNtra facebook... Ok2, qu ngerti, tp q kn bz jaga diri, mom, dad! So, please dehhh!!
Bru2 niy qu jg mly ngegame onLine, tp bysana c qu donlot dlu br q mainin d comp or laptop.... Ea kdg2 jg lsug d websitena jg tci.. such as mafia wars, etc. Main game onLine emng asigk n b'podtenszi bikin ktagihan, tp kn ttp ajj rugi, mndig wt hal2 positif ajjah... such as nambah tmnd d facebook, twitter or friendster, teyuss cri materi pLjrn d google, wikipedia or d situs2 pendidikan laenna, yg trakhr jg wt hbUrn sg donlot lagu2 barU........ xixixixi, it lah sekian dr unek2qu ttg onLine... X an boleh ttp onLine d mNpun dan kpnpun, tp ttp hruz tau wkt dan t4 dUnd.... Ucheyyy, it's fun to be teen and begin to browsing internet!! hahahagz,,

1 komentar:

  1. Low lg onLine qu g pNh buka sitUs2 yg b'baU poRNo and aLL aboUt it
    . . . . . .NON Maya boleh aj liat situs porno,gk ad yg ngelarang. itu mah normal, klo gk prnh liat, abnormal namanya
